Click Suite

The elegance of ballet is simply captured

Royal NZ Ballet
A website that embodies elegance and movement (and sells tickets)
Our Role
UI/UX Design | Full-Stack Development | Headless CMS

A long partnership

We have worked with the Royal New Zealand Ballet over many years, beginning with fixing issues they had on their previous website, making improvements as budgets allowed, pivoting with them during Covid to offer broadcast shows on screen, and eventually re-designing the main website to better meet their objectives.

We continue to partner with them to support them as the site strives to continuously improve. It's the perfect pas-de-deux.

Stories bring the productions alive

Our primary job with this website is to sell tickets, but we also need to build and engage various audiences. We've made access to all the shows and offerings that are on easy to scroll through, and we've added story layers throughout the site. If you liked a show, meet the ballet master who helped make it happen; see how the swords were made; or learn the craft of tutu making.

We love our partnership with Click Suite – the team are friendly, efficient and always coming up with smart solutions that work for our budget, our business and our brand.

Susannah Lees-Jeffries, Director of Marketing and Development